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Return to Eden Class starts in April

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Return to Eden is a spiritual transformation program designed for persons who long to have a deeper, more meaningful experience of their Christian faith. RTE is for seekers and searchers who are no longer content simply practicing religion, because they feel in their souls that something significant is missing or has been lost. It’s for people who have become disillusioned with organized religion and know there must be a better way – a more excellent way – to live and experience the faith Jesus taught us. This program is NOT just another Bible study, nor is it a cleverly disguised rendition of the same old status quo religion that snuffs out passion and extinguishes joy. Return to Eden is a mind-blowing transformative experience that can change for the better the way we perceive and experience our lives. Hearts are being touched and lives are being transformed by this remarkable approach to understanding the Way, the Truth and the Life that Jesus as revealed to us. Please join us on Sunday afternoons, beginning April 19th, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Green Health and Wellness Center for this nine week journey to a new beginning in your life.

Regsiter online to take part!

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