May 30 | Green Memorial Day Parade
This year Pastor Joel's family will be out of town on vacation for a number of family events on Emily’s side of the family: a wedding, a graduation, and 25th wedding anniversary.
We need some help coordinating the Memorial Day parade! We’ll be handing out helium balloons but we need volunteers to show up at 9 am to form a helium filling, tying and ribbon attaching assembly line! If you’d like to donate candy or dog treats for us to give away we’ll be collecting candy during Sundays in May as well!
The Elders are looking for someone who would make sure the balloons and tanks get there and to be in charge of the assembly line! If you can help walk the route and hand out candy, dog treats and balloons wear your harmony springs shirts and show up at 9 am at Green High School to help assemble balloons – the parade leaves at 10 am! Feel free to bring kids and bikes or if you’d like to ride let us know so we can find a spot in one of the vehicles!
The parade is well attended by thousands in the community and is a perfect time to let people know what kind of church we are!
Here's the details:
What to wear:
Wear your Harmony Springs Shirt - either the new white ones or the colored shirts from a few years ago! The more color the better!
The parade steps off at 10 am - so be there by then!
Come at 9 am to help blow up, tie, and ribbon balloons to hand out.
The parade takes about an hour or little more.
We line up in the Parking lot of:
1474 Boettler Rd
Uniontown, OH 44685
Park at the FedEx building across the street and walk over.
What to bring:
Bikes - if you'd like to bike the route with us - we'll tie some baloons on your bikes.
Your dog - bring a doggie to greet the community - we'll be handing out dog treats to dogs on the route.