We believe that God welcomes all.
We want our church and our society to reflect that sentiment.
Harmony Springs welcomes all persons into membership and leadership regardless of gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.
Scores of LGBTQ+ Christians over the centuries have been rejected and separated from their families, friends, churches, and institutions. Churches have failed to welcome and include ALL of our LGBTQ+ friends and neighbors. There are stories of struggle, pain, loneliness, trauma, and even death. In the midst of these painful struggles, there are also resurrection stories of coming together, inclusion, and survival.
Harmony Springs Christian Church issues a call to celebrate LGBTQ+ persons from all walks of life and all spaces of humanity. Not only in the church but also show our support and love by standing up and speaking up for human rights and equal rights.
We give you a call to acknowledge hurt brought on by churches and governments state-wide, country-wide, and world-wide.
We believe in the precious nature of each individual. We believe that all people are worthy of respect and honor because all are created in the image of God. The Psalmist writes “you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” God’s grace draws us into God’s presence for relationship. All have the ability to respond to the grace and love of God. Today we especially lift up and hold dear our siblings of all genders and sexes, for we believe in the acceptance of gender-queer and people of all sexual orientations and gender expressions.
We recognize that in church and society, not all people are counted among those for whom the church seeks justice or grants due respect as loving and beloved members of the household of God. The oppressive history of the church and society is the product of fear and discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons. This distorts our relationship with God and others while diminishing our own humanity.
We act by speaking loudly and clearly into the universe that we welcome, wholeheartedly and with open arms, all persons, LGBTQ+ and on, into the ministry and life of our church. We welcome the witness of all persons as we issue invitations to serve as leaders, fully participating in all aspects of church life and worship.
May we all live authentic lives, bathed in the message of love that Jesus brought and taught, seeking to create community rather than tear down, and may our worship lives bless and honor the diversity of the wonderful creation of God.