Why not make a holiday donation to help provide fresh, local produce to families in Green and Summit County?
If we are one of the first 50 projects to meet our $600 goal, SeedMoney will add another $400!
The Harmony Springs Garden produces over 1000 pounds of produce each year! Harmony Springs garden supports Green Good Neighbors, a local food pantry that serves 2600 persons annually.
Make a tax-deductible donation to provide healthy, locally grown produce to families in Green/summit county.
This campaign is to raise money to purchase tomato cages and fencing supplies for our garden. We need these suppose to continue bringing hope and love in the form of fresh produce to the residents of Green, Ohio. No dollar amount is too small - please help us!
Holidays are coming - help spread hope and love by giving us a great Christmas present through this fundraiser. SeedMoney will also grant us an additional $400 if we are one of the first 50 campaigns to raise $600 after the campaign starts on November 15. you can help -