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March 22, 2020 | 4th Sunday of Lent
Virtual Gathering amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
Liturgical Color: Purple
Welcome & Check in Pastor Joel
Prayer & Meditation/Lord’s Prayer Rev. Kim Barnett
We are a church that supports each other in trials and celebrates together in the joys of life. If you have a joy to give thanks for or a concern to be prayed for we encourage you to email it to us.
Pastor Joel, call/text 330-347-5030
Donna,, 330-899-9785
Centering Song ‘Walk in the Light’ (Spiritual) Terry Fairfax
Scripture Genesis 1:1-4; I John 1:5-7a (CEV) Pastor Kim
Meditation Fearless Spirituality, Breakthrough Prayer ,‘Let there be Light’ Pastor Joel
Response & Discussion
Communion Invitation and Words of Institution Pastor Jennifer
Communion Prayer
Community Announcements Pastor Joel
Virtual Gatherings This Week: Sundays 1 PM Youth Hangout with Kevin Middle School/High School Youth virtual hangout with youth and justice intern, Kevin Poe. Talk about what's going on, process coronavirus and catch up. Tuesdays 10:30 AM Staff & Leadership Virtual Check-in Wednesdays 7 PM Virtual Book Study Discussion | Real Christianity by William Wilberforce, led by Walt Poe
Mail or Give Online
Children Easter Coloring Sheet for Shut-ins Debbie MacDonald
Camp Registrations – no money due, May 1 EB deadline
Youth fundraiser – Spring Chocolates
*Closing Song Holy Spirit Rain Down' Terry Fairfax
In our discussion after the sermon, we came up with some ideas on how we can be the church full of light in the midst of darkness in all its forms.
We discussed how the building design harmony springs is planning could easily be used for community needs when they arise like this to make masks or gather supplies or to be used as a shelter.
We discussed how life events like this bring the essential practices of life to the top of our list. Those practices can easily get replaced when things go back to normal but we have to be intentional about keeping them part of our life and ministry.
What else is the coronavirus pandemic reminding us…