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Advent Devotional by Rev. Kim Barnett

Pastor Joel Engman

Our own Rev. Kim Barnett was featured in the daily advent devotional for the Christian Church (DOC) in Ohio --

Here is what she wrote:

Monday, December 15th

Read 1Thessalonians 5:16-24

As of today I have been Ordained 19 years! What a celebration it was, and is for me even today! The Christian Church Disciples of Christ is so very precious to me. The gifts that we bring to one another in this holy Advent season, and all the seasons of our lives, according to 1Thessalonians 5:16-24 are the gifts "always" and the gift of "without ceasing." Paul in this passage calls on believers everywhere to rejoice always, and pray without ceasing. This time of year stresses the lives of many of us because we take the eyes of our hearts of the goal of Advent. We are called to strengthen our walk with God each day. Jesus instructs us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, strength, and our neighbor as ourselves. We can begin again today to look at how close we are to the new born King by asking ourselves these questions: Do I rejoice AWAYS and Do I Pray without Ceasing? I believe during my years as a servant of Christ I have learned that the key is a grateful heart. God's blessings are ongoing, to many to be numbered. As we remember our blessings, prayers of gratitude well up within us, and within the very fiber of our being, we rejoice for the gift of Christmas.

Rev. Kimberly Barnett Chaplain: Stow Gen Retirement Village and Elder, Harmony Springs Christian Church Green, Ohio

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