Do you hunger to know God better? Do you love color? Are you are a visual or kinesthetic learner, a distractible or impatient soul, or a word-weary pray-er? Maybe you struggle with a short attention span, a restless body or a tendency to live in your head?
This prayer-form may be just for you! NO artistic talent required!
Join us at the beautiful new community room next to the cafe inside ACME Fresh Market. ACME Cafe offers food and beverages which may also be purchased (please support ACME's allowing us to use the space by not bringing in outside food/beverage).
Tuesday Evenings
6:00 p.m.–7:30 P.M
Beginning April 7 (4 sessions)
ACME Fresh Market Community Room
3875 Massillon Rd
Uniontown, Ohio 44685
Praying in Color is great for:
•memorizing Scripture
•praying for discernment
•creating a personal prayer calendar
•praying for enemies
•creative expression while centering on Scripture
Kim Porter, resident artist
Donations payable to:
$11 per person suggested donation payable to:
Harmony Springs PO Box 428 Uniontown, OH 44685
Participants needs to bring:
Drawing pad/book
Colored pencils/markers
Book for study (provided by church)
Sign-up online