For centuries the bestowing of ashes on our foreheads with the burnt ash of last years palm branches has marked the beginning of the lenten season. The practice humbles us, reminds us to 'Remember, O man, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.”
This year we're living out our calling to be engaged in the community. We're taking the message to the people.
We've invited the residents of two area assistedf living facilities to join us in the bestowing of ashes. Come join us at a time and place of your choosing.
Ash Wednesday in the Community | Feb 10
Green Village | 10:30 AM | 708 Moore Road • Akron, OH 44319
Come receive ashes in a small group alongside residents of Green Village. Ted Iler has been leading a bible study there with the residents. Join he and Pastor Joel as we read scripture, talk about the origins of Ash Wednesday and discuss its meaning along with bestowing ashes.
Greenview Inn | 6:30 PM | 4000 Massillon Rd. Uniontown, OH 44685
Located right down the road from AGMC we’ll sing around the piano, read scripture, and receive ashes.