Membership Sunday | Feb. 7 | 10:30 AM | AGMC
Just a few months ago we welcoming a group of 12 new members and we've already had more express interest in becoming members so it's time again! On Sunday, February 7 well set aside a time in the service to invite those who wish to become members to come forward and do so. If you have journeyed with us for some time and would like to become a member please consider coming forward on this Sunday! If you have questions about membership, what it means, and whether or not you'll have to give blood (just kidding), shoot Pastor Joel an email. It's really simple but it is a meaningful commitment so it's best to understand it before coming forward.
New Member Lunch | Feb. 14 | Giant Eagle (Upper Cafe) | Noon
For those who have become members in the last few months we're hosting a new member lunch after service on Feb. 14 at Giant Eagle on Massillon Rd. The Elders will be joining us. It'll be a good time to hear about the mission and goals at Harmony Springs and find out how you can get involved! Plus, its a free lunch!
