The next Seven weeks we will journey through a Sunday series called, 'Jesus Came to Save Christians.' Pastor Joel will be referencing the book by Disciple Author Christian Piatt entitled, 'postChristian: What's Left? Can We Fix It? Do We Care?' Each week the series will highlight one of the 7 deadly sins (loosely) and discuss how the church may have fallen victim to it's own set of sins. For those who would like to follow along each week or are interested in what the future may hold for the church we've included the amazon book link.
April 3 | Pride & Humility
April 10 | Certainty and Faith
April 17 | Lust and Love
Apil 24 | Greed and Charity
May 1 | Judgement and Mercy
May 8 | Anger and Courage
May 15 | Envy and Justice