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Pastor Joel Engman

Ash Wednesday Prayer Stations Service | 7 PM | Wednesday, March 1 | AGMC

Wednesday, March 1, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a time of preparation leading up to Easter. This day has been celebrated for centuries by followers of Jesus around the world with the tradition of having ashes placed on the forehead in the shape of a cross.

At Harmony Springs we will have self-guided prayer stations set up in the space we hold church - Akron General Medical Health & Wellness Center from 7-8 PM. Our musicians will provide reflective and meditative music while participants are invited to journey thru the prayer stations culminating in the final station to receive a bestowing of ashes and communion. '

'Participants are welcome to come anytime between 7-8 pm to journey thru the prayer stations. Participants are encouraged to take as long or as little time as they feel meaningful during the journey. Chairs will be provided for quiet meditation and prayer.

'What good is it to live long when we improve so little? A long life does not always improve us; in fact, it often adds to our problems. Would that we could spend even one day well in this world. Many people count the years of their lives in Christ, but often not much comes of their attempts to change their lives. If it is frightful to die, perhaps it is more dangerous still to live a long life. Blessed is that person who always has the hour of death before his eyes and who is daily prepared to die!… Always be ready, therefore, and live so that death my never find you unprepared… How happy and wise is that person who strives now to be in life what he wishes to be found in death… Keep yourself as a pilgrim and stranger on earth, a person to whom the affairs of the world mean nothing apart from Christ.”

– Thomas A’Kempis, The Imitation of Christ.

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