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Pastor Joel Engman

MLK50 Sunday at Harmony Springs

MLK50 Sunday | April 8, 2018 | 10:30 AM

Cleveland Clinic-AGMC Health & Wellnbess Center (Green)

1940 Town Park Blvd.

Uniontown, OH 44685

Join us on Sunday, April 8 for a service of reflection and action honoring the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s death. We will honor Dr. King's prophetic voice as we hear a partial excerpt of his 'Beyond Vietnam' speech and the scripture from Isaiah Dr. King referenced followed by a discussion of spiritual questions that should serve to challenge us and move us to action. We'll conclude the discussion with song and communion.

There is rumor that our music director, Terry Fairfax, is working on leading us in a rendition of James Taylor’s ‘Shed a Little Light’ This gathering will certainly be an inspiring time together that will move us, bind us together and reinvigorate our dedication to equality and justice – values of Jesus which we continue at Harmony Springs. April 4 marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's death which occurred on April 4, 1968. Exactly one year before his assassination Dr. King gave his historic 'Beyond Vietnam' speech at Riverside Church in NYC. His words were powerful then and remain so today. By honoring Dr. King, and prophetic voices like his, Harmony Springs lives out our value to be an anti-racist/pro-reconciling church who welcome all and invite spiritual action for world change. >>To read the entire 'Beyond Vietnam' speech: >>To preview the discussion questions

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