We’ve begun exploring a growing relationship with a homeless tent camp in downtown Akron known as Second Chance Village. The village is only in its infancy at not even a year old, but they are already doing some amazing things in the lives of those struggling with homelessness in Akron. Walter Poe, Pastor Joel, Pastor Jennifer and John Forcone have all met with and been to Second Chance Village and we are finding ways that we can be helpful. On a recent Sunday Pastor Joel shared about how impressed he was with their ability to support and encourage each other. We’ll certainly find ways to partner with second chance village, but for now they have some needs that we can surely help meet.
We are collecting a number of items they are requested as being helpful. If you’d like to make a donation of any of these items please bring them to church. We are also interested in anyone who might like to volunteer and/or help serve communion to the residents of second chance village on alternating Saturdays. If you’d like to know more or to volunteer to help please Contact Walter Poe.

Second Chance Village Needs: In need of: men’s jeans 30-38; tennis shoes Size 6-10 women’s and 8-12 men’s; women's hygiene products; women's undergarment; sports bra, (small, medium); batteries AAA and AA; blankets, tarps & tents Homeless Bag Project
Items that can make a difference in someone's life: socks; toothpaste & toothbrush; hand cloth & bar of soap; poncho; chewing gum; a few dollars These items can be placed in a large zip-lock ready for distribution, or bring the items to worship and we will assemble the bags as the items are gathered.