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Building Plans and Funding Approved at Annual Meeting of Harmony Springs Church

On Sunday, November 11 the member-partners of Harmony Springs met and officially approved the proposed building plan, associated costs and construction timeline. The 5700 sf building and site development estimate is approximately 1.45 mil. After city of Green approvals, construction will begin in March-April of 2019 and conclude around November-December of 2019. During the meeting the members approved unrestricting funds needed to bring our total available funds to around 1.2 mil. The members also greenlit a capital campaign to be conducted in the first quarter of 2019 with the intention of raising the remaining funds needed to complete the project. Church leaders will be meeting with a representative from church extension- the lending and campaign arm of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to plan and begin implementing the capital campaign.

The next two years are going to be busy and exciting at Harmony Springs. In the next 2-3 months our trustees and church leadership will initiate the building process which will include final building revisions, permitting and zoning. Look for a ‘Harmony Springs Coming Soon’ temporary sign to be erected on our Arlington property as soon as the city gives us approval.

A follow-up congregational meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, February 10, 2019 immediately after worship service for the purpose of presenting building progress, to hear a motion to update our mission statement listed in the church constitution, and to hear a motion to designate marketing and launch monies associated with opening our future building. In the months to come church leaders will be finalizing a strategic ministry plan to guide our ministry development & community engagement in our future building.

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