During one of our family’s summertime trips to Arizona Emily and I found ourselves coaxing our oldest son, Jameson to walk the plank of a family member’s backyard diving board. All our coaxing and Emily’s offer of five dollars got him positioned. After walking out over the water, he seemed poised to collect. But then he froze. He was timid, afraid, and suspicious. To dive into the mind of a child is a dangerous thing, but nevertheless I wondered. What was he thinking about? What pros/cons was he weighing? What did he think would happen? Why didn’t he trust us to make the leap?
Last Sunday during the response and reflection time John MacDonald shared a childhood story that sounded eerily similar. The sermon had trigger, for him, a memory of childhood diving board bravery. He too had to gather the courage to climb the steps of the high dive, walk out on the diving board with the assistance of the hand rails, and step to the edge leaning forward ever so carefully.
As John told that story my mind immediately took me to what I’m sure was a similar childhood high dive three times as high as the lower diving boards. I can almost recall each step moving me closer and closer to the top. I remember not wanting to retreat, go back, or surrender to fear. My friends were watching, my parents were anticipating, and although I knew the thrill would be worth it – I still remember pausing, questioning, and then…
My guess is you too were once leaning over the edge, toes gripping the solid-yet-moving surface of the board. For a moment I want to invite you to stand with the three of us on the diving board. Can you feel the anticipation wrapped up in fear? Can you sense the cool water awaiting? Can you embrace that decision-making moment when you could turn back in disappointment, but you know you must press on?
Those are the moments life is made of.
As a pastor I’d assert that those moments are spiritual moments - drawing us forward, urging us to lean in, and begging us to commit. We, at Harmony Springs, are standing together on the diving board. We have been climbing the steps for years now and we are about to decide if a thrilling future is worth the plunge.
Our future together is becoming clearer with each passing day. As we peer into the waters of our future together I’d like to give you a glimpse of what it looks like: A building that is a non-profit hub/community center with daily activity that enhances/changes/transforms/impacts the lives of people around us. A Church that is the first-place people think about joining when they want to make a difference in the community or help change the world. A Church known for radical hospitality where all are invited to participate and contribute and dedication to social good in the name of Jesus- justice. A church full of vibrant people who believe in hope and refuse to retreat.

We’re all standing together on the edge of it. It’s tempting to head back. But if John, Jameson and I can do it - so can you. In the coming months our church leadership will be working on sharing a plan for getting us there, but they need your help. The first step is a hard one – for all of us. We all need to support this endeavor financially. Our financial support must be generous and consistent. If you do not currently give to the church – I’m pleading with you to begin. If you currently do (thank you) I’m asking you to consider increasing your regular giving by $20-50/month. The combination of these two things will get us to a building. I realize you’ll have to really think about it, study the waters below and determine if you can lean-in, but my friends – the thrill will be worth the risk.
Let’s take the plunge together!
Standing right there with you,
There are a number of ways you can easily give to Harmony Springs.

1. Give on Sundays by placing your check in the offering plate located in the back of the worship space.
2. Give via Bank Bill Pay. Just add us to your monthly 'bills' by adding 'Harmony Springs Christian Church' on a recurring basis. Our bill pay address is PO Box 428 Uniontown, OH 44685.
3. Give Online. You can setup recurring giving via Credit Card/Debit Card using our secure 'Givelify' site or download the App in the Apple Store or Google Play Store .
4. Give via Mail. If you'd like to write a regular check made out to 'Harmony Springs Christian Church' and put it in the mail to us the address is PO Box 428 Uniontown, OH 44685.